• by cbus property
    coming soon

437 st. kilda road

From history to legacy — Cbus Property is proud to introduce a landmark address imbued with the character of its timeless location between the green fields of Fawkner Park and the perennial sophistication of Melbourne’s cultural precinct.

437 St. Kilda Road is the next chapter in the city’s iconic boulevard, with a selection of two bedroom, three bedroom, half and full floor residences, each thoughtfully crafted to continue a legacy of lifestyle and design for generations to come.

Artist impression
Artist impression
visionary partners

Cbus Property has appointed a team of industry leaders in property and architecture to deliver an address of enduring quality. Practices with a strong record of successful iconic projects and a proven commitment to contributing excellence to the built environment.

437 St. Kilda Road marks Cbus Property’s fourth Melbourne residential collaboration with Bates Smart, following Classic East Melbourne, 35 Spring St and
17 Spring St.

17 Spring St and 35 Spring St
Photographed by Tom Roe
Barber Design landscapes
Photographed by Sam Barber
17 spring st
Photographed by Sean Fennessy

Display gallery opening soon.
To arrange an appointment or receive further information, please contact our sales team or complete your details below

sales concierge team
1300 860 437